Monday 1 March 2010


storyboard by tom buckden
video produced by george slaughter

Friday 26 February 2010

evaluation questions - jason bremner

Evaluation Questions

Film Distribution: For our film we have decided to distribute this by ourselves threw the use of the internet. We chose this for several reasons such as we would be in total control of our production even though we would need to firstly create a website, and also if our film starting making sales we would 100% of all profits. This could be a risk because we won’t get as much mainstream advertisement by ourselves as apposed to using companies we could be interested in like Dimension Film, but we feel this move will work successfully for us.

Audience: In the film it has many different elements of horror and suspense so we are making the age range teenage to adult because there could be some parts in the film which may be disturbing to younger viewers with the scenes in the trapped room.

Reason for Audience: In the film we have scenes of some people being filmed and stalked adding suspense and the feeling of vulnerability. Even though there isn’t any blood or gore in the film we still feel that it could affect some viewers. Compared to other films however this may not be the scariest but we feel that 15 is a suitable certificate because it wont create any controversy.

evaluation questions - andrew brown

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Our media products use, develop and challenge the forms and conventions of real media products, we did this buy paying close attention to traditional horror and films and new horror films by using this we believed we could film a good horror film which people would enjoy, At first we used traditional ideas to make a film but then we tried unconventional methods to see what it would look like, for example we used the idea that the camera was the “stalkers” eyes and followed them repeatedly in the film.

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Our media products represents on particular film goers by making it a horror, we purposely did this so that horror fans would enjoy this, but we also did want everyone to enjoy this film because we did not the film watchers to be “restricted”. So not only did we do horror but we included thriller and in some cases an element of comedy, this film was also filmed in the day time so it is believed to be less scary because it is not at night.

By Andrew Brown

evaluation questions - george slaughter

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

The technologies we have used in the making of this movie are:
• Camera
• Edius pro 3 movie editing software.
• The internet for research on various films, used in the planning of our movie.
•, used to post all our work on the internet in a place all people within the group can see it. ( )
Websites we used:
and various blogs and websites containing information about creating a film, and information for the work on the blog.

While making this product i have learnt allot about the new technologies, the idea that whilst being very useful some of the technology does not work on days, the rare occasion you encounter problems with the things you are using, for example, the camera kept zooming in, the editing software (Edius pro 3) did not work as well as needed on occasions, when capturing it did not capture some of the clips we had needed, but all in all most of the technology was very good to work with, and i have learnt allot whilst using it all.

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?
Looking back i feel i have learnt allot, when we did the preliminary task i found it all hard to do, the filming was one of the easier parts. But then when it comes to editing we did the editing in storm one editing suite. But for the horror movie we used Edius pro as our editing suite, this created allot more options when coming to the editing part of our movie, because the editing software was alot easier to use and had allot more features, also looking back i have realised how much planning really has to go into it, and how you have to be in contact with your group at all times to organise when to record and/or when to edit the movie.
I’ve also learnt allot about, the cameras, camera angles and lighting need when recording the movie to produce the best look for the genre of movie.

by george slaughter

similar films

Media Research

Similar Films

The Blair witch project:

The Blair Witch Project is an American horror film released in 1999. The narrative is presented as a documentary pieced together from amateur footage, filmed in real time. The film relates the story of three young student filmmakers (Heather Donahue, Joshua Leonard, and Michael C. Williams) who hike into the Black Hills of Burkittsville, Maryland to film a documentary about a local legend known as the Blair Witch, and subsequently go missing. The viewer is told that the three were never found, although their video and sound equipment (along with most of the footage they shot) was discovered a year later. This "recovered footage" is presented as the film the viewer is watching.

Quarantine is a 2008 American horror film directed by John Erick Dowdle and starring Jennifer Carpenter, Jay Hernandez, Steve Harris, Rade Šerbedžija, Greg Germann, Bernard White, and Johnathon Schaech. The film is a remake of the Spanish horror film REC and is almost an entire shot for shot remake with a few exceptions such as added scenes and dialogue. And is filmed in the cinéma vérité style, which means truthful cinema. It was released on October 10, 2008 by Screen Gems Pictures. The film features no incidental music, being "scored" with sound effects.

Cloverfield is a 2008 American monster movie directed by Matt Reeves, produced by J. J. Abrams. The film follows five young New Yorkers attending a going-away party on the night that a gigantic monster attacks the city. First publicized within a teaser trailer in screenings of Transformers, the film was released on January 17 in New Zealand, in the United Kingdom the film was released on April 5. The film is presented so as to look as if it were a video file recovered from a digital camcorder by the United States Department of Defense. The film begins with a disclaimer stating that the following footage about to be viewed is of a case designated "Cloverfield" and was found in the area that was "formerly known as Central Park".

the film is ranked tenth in the list of the 'Top 20 Horror Films of the Decade', with the article saying "Perhaps the most influential horror film of the decade, Saw kick-started a franchise that became the highest-grossing in horror history... in light of its measly $1.2 million price tag the film’s quality relative to bigger-budget horror films is striking. It also takes itself seriously, which came as a breath of fresh air following the trend of wimpy tongue-in-cheek horror that had dominated the multiplexes post-Scream. More than anything, this twisted morality tale is a film made by horror fans, for horror fans; it’s gory, it’s depraved, and best of all it introduced a new horror icon in Jigsaw,

by andrew brown.

filming details

Filming details

In our group comprising of Andrew Brown, George Slaughter, Tom Buckden and Jason Bremner we were required to make sure different details such as permission and camera use were available. For our film we had two different locations when filming which where the Walmer Graveyard and Walmer Science College Boiler room. We had to get permission from Mr. Garner to use the boiler room location with his supervision to film half of our movie, all of us were present and Sophie Curd who we used as our actress to play the victim was present, so we used 2 chairs which we needed to borrow and some rope as a prop used to tie Jason and Sophie to a chair. We had some problems with this location because there was always a constant hum in the background because of the boiler so it was hard to fully understand any dialogue. For our other location we went to the local graveyard during the day time to film the rest, for this we had to book the camera out ourselves without sir to supervise us, and also had to do it independently out of the school. While filming we used another person as our actor in the film which was Tom Glanville because we needed a third person to create more interest in the film. In this location we didn’t need any props and had filmed many different angels to get a variety of choices we could use.

By Jason bremner

repetoire of elements.

Themes and ideas in horror movies are how the places that represent horror movies once were haunted houses, forests, caves and laboratories. But through the years have change in scene in the sense that a lot more movies that are made now are set in industrial wasteland, forests, and warehouses.
The way that the characters have changed have changed a lot through the years too, from the Frankenstein monster in 1910, lon Chaney in phantom of the opera in 1925, the thing from another world featuring aliens in 1951, in 1968 a zombie movie was made called night of the living dead, in 1979 we saw prosthetic creatures such as the face hugger from alien, then in 1988 horror movie director tom Holland introduced chucky from the series “child play” bringing a child into horror movie, children are considered to be innocent so this bought a extra scare factor to the genre

Style - Lighting, use of camera, editing
high camera angles and shots are used to show the vulnerability of the characters Close-ups and medium close ups are used to show the feeling and emotion in the faces of characters, low camera angles shows the power that characters have. Establishing shots are used to set the horror scene of a house, and long shots, medium-long shots, and medium shots also help to show this.
Quick edit shots and fast paces are used in films to show the action and drama in films and shots linger to build suspense.

Characters and relationships
Monsters, ghosts, vampires, werewolves, mad scientists, ignorant villagers,
Maidens in distress, zombie’s, experts in supernatural science, the killer often has a romantic interest in his victim but has been turned down,

Representation - Gender, class, age. Race, disability
The Slasher Horror was a sub genre of the horror film generally involving a psychopathic killer, tha would kill a series of victims in a graphic manor, often with a sythe or knife of some sort, allthough the “slasher” genre could be used to represent any horror movie containing graphic acts or murder it contains a series of its own characteristics such as the idea that they often contain graphic murders of female characters, the idea was that the killers motivation, was the negative feelings he had with a woman, this woman was quite often his mother, sister or romantic interest who has rejected him, this can be seen in films like psycho (1960), and halloween(1978).
Children are often used in horror movies, children are seen as vulnerable, so they are either used as the victim or the murderer, for example in the movie “the omen” (1976) an American diplomat and his wife take in a child who tunrs out to be the son of Satan, or the movie “who can kill a child?” (1976) A British couple on holiday on a small island discover that all of the adults have been murdered by the children.
all of these point are what make a horror movie a horror movie! Without these points it would not be a horror, these things are what make a movie a horror movie because this is what people look for in a horror.

group contact info

Group contact information

George slaughter –
Phone/mobile – 07588602645
Email –
Andrew brown –
Phone/mobile –07543009609
Email –
Tom buckden –
Phone/mobile –077432390061
Email –
Jason bremner –
Phone/mobile – 07596839968
Email –

Time plan

Anything written in red explains what we planned to do and actually did.

Time plan

Every Tuesday we have a 2 hour lesson, and every Friday we have a 3 hour lesson.

Film –

Tuesday 12th January 2010

Friday 15th January 2010

Edit –

Tuesday 19th January 2010 – capture images from camera.

Friday 22nd January 2010 – finish capturing, start to place images in order.

Tuesday 26th January 2010 – cut images to correct length, start adding effects.

Friday 29th January 2010 – add all effects, colour correct images.

Tuesday 2nd February 2010 – start editing music.

Friday 5th February 2010 – add music to film, edit sounds.

Tuesday 9th February 2010 – finalize editing, add titles etc.

We planned to finish editing on Tuesday 9th February 2010, but finished on Tuesday 23rd February 2010.

Work for the blog –

We have been doing work for the blog in between all of the above dates, as and when we have time.

Thursday 25th February 2010 - Most work for the blog has been done, will finish any remaining work in the 3 hour lesson we have on Friday 25th February 2010.

Thursday 14 January 2010

Locations Photos:
The most common location for any horror film is inside a house, or some kind of large building e.g. school, factory, hospital etc.It’s very easy to make a horror movie inside by utilizing everyday fears, like being broken in to, and being held captive in a familiar environment.
This location can reflect levi-straus's idea by the building being new and unknown to the victoms but very familier to the antagonist / Hunter etc.

Many horror movies in the woods are basedaround the main characters lost and seem to never find away out of them and ending up being killed by whatever is in the forest.It is very low budget and easy to manipulateand can end up creating a very convincing scary film e.g. the Blair Witch Project and Shrooms.
Levi Straus's Idea can be portrayed by the victoms becoming more and more lost as they progress through the unkown and are constantly being reminded that what ever is chasing them or just simply following them knows its surroundings and is at a huge advantage.

Not many producers use caves in their horror film because of the risks and lighting problems, and getting all of their equipment down would also be a problem, although, it can easily be imitated on a film set and when shot properly, can make quite a good film.
In the majority of films with caves as the main location, it is the case that the cave is the "Antagonist's, hunter's etc." lair and when the victims realise this, they know that they are at a great disadvantage and are put way out of there comfort zone

Target Audience

Target Audience
Our Target Audience is based around the young adult age because we don’t think our film would appeal to any other age group.
We will be using a quite a derranged plot that may be uncomfortable to some people involving a kidnapping, and forms of torture. Also because the cast of our film will be teenagers and the fact that they are being abused by an older antagonist it may seem more realistic and interesting for a teenage audience. If our film was made public, the age rating would be 18 maybe 15.
I know this type of film would appeal to our target audience because we have researched other, similar films e.g. The Blair Witch Project, and Cloverfield and have found that their target audiences are of a similar age group.
The reason our film wouldn’t appeal to any other age group is because it would be far to intense for anyone younger the age of 15 and possibly a bit too immature in the standards of films out there for anyone over the age of 30. I think that if i had to give an average age of viewers for our film it would be 18 and the majority of views would be male because the cast is more male dominant.