Friday 26 February 2010

evaluation questions - andrew brown

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Our media products use, develop and challenge the forms and conventions of real media products, we did this buy paying close attention to traditional horror and films and new horror films by using this we believed we could film a good horror film which people would enjoy, At first we used traditional ideas to make a film but then we tried unconventional methods to see what it would look like, for example we used the idea that the camera was the “stalkers” eyes and followed them repeatedly in the film.

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Our media products represents on particular film goers by making it a horror, we purposely did this so that horror fans would enjoy this, but we also did want everyone to enjoy this film because we did not the film watchers to be “restricted”. So not only did we do horror but we included thriller and in some cases an element of comedy, this film was also filmed in the day time so it is believed to be less scary because it is not at night.

By Andrew Brown

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