Friday 26 February 2010

evaluation questions - jason bremner

Evaluation Questions

Film Distribution: For our film we have decided to distribute this by ourselves threw the use of the internet. We chose this for several reasons such as we would be in total control of our production even though we would need to firstly create a website, and also if our film starting making sales we would 100% of all profits. This could be a risk because we won’t get as much mainstream advertisement by ourselves as apposed to using companies we could be interested in like Dimension Film, but we feel this move will work successfully for us.

Audience: In the film it has many different elements of horror and suspense so we are making the age range teenage to adult because there could be some parts in the film which may be disturbing to younger viewers with the scenes in the trapped room.

Reason for Audience: In the film we have scenes of some people being filmed and stalked adding suspense and the feeling of vulnerability. Even though there isn’t any blood or gore in the film we still feel that it could affect some viewers. Compared to other films however this may not be the scariest but we feel that 15 is a suitable certificate because it wont create any controversy.

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