Friday 26 February 2010

evaluation questions - george slaughter

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

The technologies we have used in the making of this movie are:
• Camera
• Edius pro 3 movie editing software.
• The internet for research on various films, used in the planning of our movie.
•, used to post all our work on the internet in a place all people within the group can see it. ( )
Websites we used:
and various blogs and websites containing information about creating a film, and information for the work on the blog.

While making this product i have learnt allot about the new technologies, the idea that whilst being very useful some of the technology does not work on days, the rare occasion you encounter problems with the things you are using, for example, the camera kept zooming in, the editing software (Edius pro 3) did not work as well as needed on occasions, when capturing it did not capture some of the clips we had needed, but all in all most of the technology was very good to work with, and i have learnt allot whilst using it all.

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?
Looking back i feel i have learnt allot, when we did the preliminary task i found it all hard to do, the filming was one of the easier parts. But then when it comes to editing we did the editing in storm one editing suite. But for the horror movie we used Edius pro as our editing suite, this created allot more options when coming to the editing part of our movie, because the editing software was alot easier to use and had allot more features, also looking back i have realised how much planning really has to go into it, and how you have to be in contact with your group at all times to organise when to record and/or when to edit the movie.
I’ve also learnt allot about, the cameras, camera angles and lighting need when recording the movie to produce the best look for the genre of movie.

by george slaughter

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