Friday 26 February 2010

repetoire of elements.

Themes and ideas in horror movies are how the places that represent horror movies once were haunted houses, forests, caves and laboratories. But through the years have change in scene in the sense that a lot more movies that are made now are set in industrial wasteland, forests, and warehouses.
The way that the characters have changed have changed a lot through the years too, from the Frankenstein monster in 1910, lon Chaney in phantom of the opera in 1925, the thing from another world featuring aliens in 1951, in 1968 a zombie movie was made called night of the living dead, in 1979 we saw prosthetic creatures such as the face hugger from alien, then in 1988 horror movie director tom Holland introduced chucky from the series “child play” bringing a child into horror movie, children are considered to be innocent so this bought a extra scare factor to the genre

Style - Lighting, use of camera, editing
high camera angles and shots are used to show the vulnerability of the characters Close-ups and medium close ups are used to show the feeling and emotion in the faces of characters, low camera angles shows the power that characters have. Establishing shots are used to set the horror scene of a house, and long shots, medium-long shots, and medium shots also help to show this.
Quick edit shots and fast paces are used in films to show the action and drama in films and shots linger to build suspense.

Characters and relationships
Monsters, ghosts, vampires, werewolves, mad scientists, ignorant villagers,
Maidens in distress, zombie’s, experts in supernatural science, the killer often has a romantic interest in his victim but has been turned down,

Representation - Gender, class, age. Race, disability
The Slasher Horror was a sub genre of the horror film generally involving a psychopathic killer, tha would kill a series of victims in a graphic manor, often with a sythe or knife of some sort, allthough the “slasher” genre could be used to represent any horror movie containing graphic acts or murder it contains a series of its own characteristics such as the idea that they often contain graphic murders of female characters, the idea was that the killers motivation, was the negative feelings he had with a woman, this woman was quite often his mother, sister or romantic interest who has rejected him, this can be seen in films like psycho (1960), and halloween(1978).
Children are often used in horror movies, children are seen as vulnerable, so they are either used as the victim or the murderer, for example in the movie “the omen” (1976) an American diplomat and his wife take in a child who tunrs out to be the son of Satan, or the movie “who can kill a child?” (1976) A British couple on holiday on a small island discover that all of the adults have been murdered by the children.
all of these point are what make a horror movie a horror movie! Without these points it would not be a horror, these things are what make a movie a horror movie because this is what people look for in a horror.

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