Thursday 14 January 2010

Locations Photos:
The most common location for any horror film is inside a house, or some kind of large building e.g. school, factory, hospital etc.It’s very easy to make a horror movie inside by utilizing everyday fears, like being broken in to, and being held captive in a familiar environment.
This location can reflect levi-straus's idea by the building being new and unknown to the victoms but very familier to the antagonist / Hunter etc.

Many horror movies in the woods are basedaround the main characters lost and seem to never find away out of them and ending up being killed by whatever is in the forest.It is very low budget and easy to manipulateand can end up creating a very convincing scary film e.g. the Blair Witch Project and Shrooms.
Levi Straus's Idea can be portrayed by the victoms becoming more and more lost as they progress through the unkown and are constantly being reminded that what ever is chasing them or just simply following them knows its surroundings and is at a huge advantage.

Not many producers use caves in their horror film because of the risks and lighting problems, and getting all of their equipment down would also be a problem, although, it can easily be imitated on a film set and when shot properly, can make quite a good film.
In the majority of films with caves as the main location, it is the case that the cave is the "Antagonist's, hunter's etc." lair and when the victims realise this, they know that they are at a great disadvantage and are put way out of there comfort zone

1 comment:

  1. In what ways do these settings reflect the ideas of Levi-Strauss? Wilderness as an area of chaos and danger.
